Database Platform

Bridging the IT & Business Divide with Pentaho 7.0

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| Nov 11, 2016


Pentaho’s strategy of BI and DI “better together” has been consistent since our early days, but this value proposition has never been stronger than it is today with the announcement of Pentaho 7.0.
The world of data is too vast and fast to try to deliver analytic insights without solving data challenges first. Growing amounts of data – coming from both traditional and big data sources – has created even more complexity. Plus, increasing demand for self-service analytics from the business and an emerging demand for self-service data preparation has resulted in disparate tools and lack of accurate, timely and IT-governed data. All of these factors contribute to missed business opportunities and increased data security risk.
According to the August 2016 Gartner Market Guide for Self-Service Data Preparation Analytics, [data and analytics] users spend the majority of their time either preparing data for analysis or waiting for data to be prepared for them.
With our newest release, Pentaho 7.0, we bridge the gap between IT and the business with a single platform where:

  • IT can deliver the data that runs the business
  • Data Analysts have the data to manage the business
  • Data Scientists can work to transform the business

What does that lead to? Collaboration between IT, Data Scientists, Data Analysts and the business that accelerates time to insights and reduces missed opportunities.
Pentaho 7.0: Analytics Anywhere in the Data Pipeline
How did we do it? As the giant, swirling universe of big data explodes, the idea that data is static and prepared in a linear flow through three distinct processes is accurate, but not efficient. Instead, data runs through pipelines and being able to analyze and visualize data anywhere in the pipeline means organizations can now use resources more efficiently and drive better business insights faster.
With Pentaho 7.0, we are also introducing a new simplified paradigm for how Pentaho is installed and administered.  With a new single merged server, the worlds of BI and DI literally come together and place analytics in the hands of data preparers. By moving visualizations upstream, users can now inspect data while it’s in-flight at any stage in the data prep process. Switching in and out of separate tools and waiting to visualize data until the end of the data prep process is a thing of the past.
At the same time, we strengthened our platform to support more of the big data ecosystem, enhancing capabilities for faster data onboarding, new capabilities for Spark to simplify and expand emerging use cases, and expanded Hadoop security to support a more secure big data blended world.
Never better—BI and DI better together—Pentaho 7.0. Take a look for yourself and let us know what you think!
Donna Prlich I SVP of Product Marketing and Solutions, Pentaho

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