Who benefits the most from NGINX Plus?

Written by Ashnik Team

| Mar 01, 2021


Companies who:

  • Are running a commercial application or website that requires a predictable, reliable and high performance user experience;
  • Have used NGINX OSS, but want to reduce complexity and have a supported NGINX build;
  • Are migrating their web architectures from a monolithic application to a lightweight, “scale out” distributed, componentized architecture (and need an outer “shell/routing layer” on top of that);
  • Are moving to virtualized/cloud environments and need a more modern, cloud-friendly alternative to their existing hardware-based LB/ADC solutions;
  • Have a hardware-based LB/ADC solutions and don’t want to continue to purchase expensive, non-scalable, rigid solutions at 10x more cost compared to NGINX Plus;
  • Media/Content owners doing massive HTTP streaming media (HTTP video/audio).

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