API and Microservices

"I want you to be our sole contact point for database solution"

Written by Ashnik Team

| Sep 19, 2013


The other day, as our database consultant and engagement manager were discussing project implementation and solution with a customer, he made the above point. Though at that point of time we were a bit taken aback, when we discussed this back in the office, we realised actually it was a great compliment to our solutions skills. It turned out that, the customer was expressing his total trust in us with being his database solutions consultant for the PostgreSQL solution that we were implementing. In this project there were three of four more vendors involved – the applications vendors, customer’s own infrastructure team, the subscription vendor behind Postgres Plus Advanced Server.

The project discussion was a culmination of engagement our team had with the customer and after every stage of discussion we observed that customer’s confidence in our skills and capabilities had increased. The initial discussion had started off as a reseller of Postgres Plus Advanced Server, but as we engaged and presented all aspects of the solution – right from infrastructure architecting to database design – including its impact on application design, we saw that the customer’s respect for our capabilities grew. Towards the end of awarding the project, the customer had come to trust our capabilities and wanted us to take full project instead of slicing it among couple of parties.

This process of engagement was crucial. It was not about selling, it was about dialog, sharing and partnering with the customer in devising a solution that addresses business requirements. The customer also had a very matured process of engagement and showed great sense of partnership.

While we are delivering the project, the responsibility that is entrusted upon us makes us feel proud. It is a great boost to a startup company’s confidence which has global aspirations and believes in customer delight.

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