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Monitoring Key Performance Parameters: A Guide to Optimizing PostgreSQL Database Operations

Written by Zeba

| Nov 20, 2023


Explore  PostgreSQL performance monitoring for optimal database operation, scalability, and user satisfaction. Dive into tools like pg_stat_statements, pg_stat_activity, and pg_stat_user_indexes for insights and leverage the ELK Stack for transformative monitoring.

Key Highlights

  • Query Monitoring: Investigate IO, time, memory, and temporary space-intensive queries using pg_stat_statements.
  • Connection and Transaction Management: Monitor current activity, detect prolonged transactions, and manage active and idle sessions with pg_stat_activity.
  • Efficient Index Usage: Explore and optimize all indexes while addressing unused indexes for enhanced database efficiency.
  • Proactive Monitoring with ELK Stack: Transform monitoring with ELK Stack, configure dashboards, and set up proactive alerts for real-time issue resolution.

PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database management system, drives a diverse range of applications, efficiently managing substantial data with reliability. Ensuring optimal operation, meeting user expectations, and seamlessly scaling with growing demands, effective performance monitoring is vital for PostgreSQL databases. This article delves into crucial facets of performance monitoring within PostgreSQL, offering valuable perspectives on tools and methodologies. These insights empower administrators and developers in cultivating a robust, responsive, and well-maintained database environment.

2. Behind the Scenes: Peering into Database Connections and Transactions Using pg_stat_activity

Understanding the current state of database connections and transactions is crucial for diagnosing performance issues. The pg_stat_activity view provides information about active connections, their status, and the queries being executed. Monitoring transaction activity helps identify long-running or blocked transactions, enabling timely intervention.

i. Scenario-Based Exploration: Monitoring Current Database Activity
Imagine a situation where a real-time assessment of the current database landscape becomes imperative. In this scenario, our focus shifts towards actively tracking and understanding the ongoing activities within the database. Executing the following SQL query allows us to peer into the heartbeat of the system, offering a detailed view of the current database activity:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
By utilizing this query, administrators gain immediate access to a wealth of information, including active connections, their statuses, and the queries currently in execution. This real-time insight becomes invaluable for diagnosing potential performance issues, identifying long-running or blocked transactions, and ultimately ensuring the seamless operation of the PostgreSQL database.

ii. Detecting Prolonged Transactions: Uncovering Processes Exceeding One-Minute Threshold
Picture a scenario where the need arises to swiftly identify processes entangled in transactions surpassing the critical one-minute threshold. In this context, the following SQL query emerges as a crucial asset for administrators aiming to expediently address potential inefficiencies and uphold the optimal functionality of the PostgreSQL database:

now() – pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration,
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE (now() – pg_stat_activity.query_start) > interval ‘1 minutes’;

This intelligently crafted query furnishes a concise roster of processes, offering insights into their Process ID (pid), the duration of the ongoing transaction, the associated query, and the present state of affairs. Armed with this information, administrators can swiftly pinpoint and rectify transactions contributing to potential performance bottlenecks, ensuring the PostgreSQL environment remains agile and responsive.

iii. Spotlight on Activity: Streamlining Active Queries
Imagine a situation where simplicity and clarity are paramount, especially when aiming to focus solely on the queries actively in progress within your PostgreSQL database. In this scenario, the following uncomplicated SQL query becomes a valuable ally for administrators seeking a straightforward snapshot of the current active queries:

select now()-query_start,pid as duration, query, state
from pg_stat_activity
where state=’active’
order by 1 desc;

This user-friendly query provides a concise list, detailing the duration of each active query, its associated Process ID (pid), the query text, and its current state. Its simplicity not only enhances readability but also facilitates a quick grasp of the dynamic activity within the PostgreSQL database, ensuring administrators can effortlessly stay informed and swiftly address any ongoing operational needs.

iv. Idle Sessions Unveiled: Streamlining the Identification Process
In a scenario where a user-friendly and streamlined approach is paramount for uncovering idle sessions within the PostgreSQL database, consider employing the following SQL query. Tailored for administrators seeking a straightforward summary of idle sessions, this query prioritizes simplicity and clarity:

select now()-query_start,pid as duration, query, state
from pg_stat_activity
where state=’idle’
order by 1 desc;

This uncomplicated query offers a concise list that breaks down the duration of each idle session, its associated Process ID (pid), the query at play, and its current state. Designed for easy comprehension, it empowers administrators to swiftly identify and manage idle sessions, ensuring a seamless and efficient PostgreSQL database environment.

v. Targeted Inspection: Pinpointing Specific Processes with pg_stat_activity
In situations where precision is key, especially when aiming to scrutinize a particular Process ID (pid) within the PostgreSQL database, the following SQL query offers a tailored solution. Crafted for administrators seeking a direct and focused approach:

Select datname, application_name, client_addr,client_hostname,query_id,query,backend_type
from pg_stat_activity
where pid=’3025′;

This targeted query presents a detailed snapshot, featuring the database name (datname), application name, client address, client hostname, query ID, the query itself, and the type of backend process. Its straightforward structure facilitates a quick and precise overview, allowing administrators to efficiently examine and manage specific processes within the PostgreSQL database environment.

3. Maximizing Database Efficiency: Dive into Index Usage Monitoring with pg_stat_user_indexes

In the intricate world of database optimization, the role of indexes cannot be overstated. Efficient utilization of indexes is a linchpin for optimal query performance, and at the forefront of this endeavor is the powerful tool – pg_stat_user_indexes. This feature-rich view not only unveils comprehensive statistics on index usage but also provides crucial insights into the number of index scans and the index’s hit ratio.
Diving into the nuances of pg_stat_user_indexes, this article aims to demystify the art of monitoring index usage.

i. Comprehensive Schema Exploration: Examining All Indexes at a Glance
In the pursuit of a meticulous understanding of the database schema, administrators often find themselves needing a comprehensive overview of all existing indexes within a PostgreSQL database. This imperative task is efficiently accomplished by executing a straightforward SQL query:
select * from pg_stat_user_indexes;

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This query serves as a virtual key to unlocking a wealth of information, presenting a detailed list of all indexes associated with the schema. Each entry within the result set includes essential details such as the index name, associated table, schema and the number of index scans. By harnessing this information, administrators gain a holistic perspective on the indexing landscape, allowing for strategic decisions regarding optimization, maintenance, and overall performance enhancement within the PostgreSQL database schema.

ii. Sculpting Efficiency: Identifying and Addressing Unused Indexes
In the ongoing quest for an optimally performing PostgreSQL database, the periodic assessment of indexes becomes a strategic endeavor. Administrators aiming to ensure the efficiency of their database often find themselves in the need to identify and address unused indexes. This crucial task is accomplished by executing the following SQL query:

SELECT schemaname,relname AS table, indexrelname AS index, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(indexrelid)) AS size
FROM pg_stat_user_indexes WHERE idx_scan = 0 ORDER BY pg_relation_size(indexrelid) DESC;

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This query serves as a diagnostic tool, revealing a curated list of indexes that have not been scanned. Each entry in the result set includes details such as the schema, associated table, index name, and the size of the index. By leveraging this information, administrators can make informed decisions about the necessity of these indexes, facilitating a streamlined and efficient PostgreSQL database environment through the identification and removal of unused indexes.

4. Understanding Locks: A Quick Guide to pg_locks in PostgreSQL

In the PostgreSQL world, keeping things running smoothly involves knowing how to handle locks. Meet pg_locks, a handy tool that shows what locks are happening right now and helps figure out if there’s any trouble with them. This short tour explores the basics of pg_locks, showing administrators how to spot and fix issues quickly, ensuring PostgreSQL stays responsive and trouble-free.

Exploring Current Locks in the Database: A Closer Look with SQL
SELECT, activity.usename, activity.query, AS blocking_id, blocking.query AS blocking_query FROM pg_stat_activity AS activity
JOIN pg_stat_activity AS blocking ON = ANY(pg_blocking_pids(;

This SQL query utilizes the pg_stat_activity view to retrieve crucial information about the current state of the database. The pid (Process ID) represents the unique identifier for each active process, while usename provides the name of the user associated with the process. The query field reveals the SQL query being executed by the process.
The query also incorporates a self-join on pg_stat_activity to identify blocking processes. The and blocking.query fields showcase the Process ID and associated query of the blocking process. The ANY(pg_blocking_pids( condition ensures that only processes contributing to blocking are considered.
By executing this SQL query, administrators gain a comprehensive snapshot of the active processes, their associated queries, and any potential blocking interactions. This insight proves invaluable for diagnosing and resolving contention issues, ensuring the PostgreSQL database operates smoothly and responsively.

5. Exploring pgstattuple: A Comprehensive Guide to PostgreSQL’s Insightful Extension

In the domain of PostgreSQL database management, the pgstattuple extension emerges as a powerful tool, providing a detailed and nuanced view of the physical organization and health of relations within the database. Below is a comprehensive guide to the capabilities, usage, and significance of pgstattuple.
pgstattuple is a PostgreSQL extension designed to offer granular insights into the physical structure and statistics of tables or indexes within the database. It allows users to assess the health of relations by providing key metrics.
When you execute pgstattuple on a particular relation, it returns essential information, including:
Physical Length: The amount of disk space the relation occupies.Dead Tuples Percentage: The percentage of tuples that are no longer in use.
The output of pgstattuple provides a detailed breakdown of the relation’s physical characteristics. For instance:

SELECT * FROM pgstattuple(‘schemaname.tablename’);

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One primary use of pgstattuple is to aid in decision-making regarding vacuum operations. The percentage of dead tuples is a crucial indicator. If this percentage is high, it suggests potential data fragmentation, and a vacuum operation may be necessary to reclaim storage space.

a. Exploring Table Bloat Analysis with pgstattuple
Now, let’s delve into the process of examining table bloat using the capabilities of pgstattuple.

SELECT * FROM pgstattuple(‘tablename’);

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b. Uncovering Index Bloat: Utilizing pgstattuple Analysis
Dive into the analysis of index bloat by executing the following query with pgstattuple:

SELECT * FROM pgstattuple(‘indexname’);

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6. Keeping PostgreSQL Running Smoothly: Proactive Alert Setup

When it comes to managing how well PostgreSQL works, it’s crucial to set up alerts beforehand using specific thresholds. This ensures that important measures are always being watched, and any possible problems are taken care of before they affect users. Creating these alerts is like taking a proactive step, helping administrators keep the database responsive. It’s more than just reacting to issues; it’s about being prepared and stopping problems before they even start, turning performance management into a smart, preventive plan.

7. Delving into PostgreSQL Logs: A Guide to Regular Monitoring

In the domain of managing PostgreSQL databases, the practice of routinely reviewing logs proves to be a fundamental and insightful process. PostgreSQL logs serve as a treasure trove of information, capturing critical events, errors, and warnings that unfold within the system. Let’s explore why making this a regular habit is key to maintaining a healthy and optimized database environment.

1. Error Identification: PostgreSQL logs are like a diagnostic tool. They provide detailed accounts of errors, helping administrators swiftly identify and address any issues that might compromise the system’s integrity.

2. Early Warning System: Acting as an early warning system, logs signal potential problems or irregularities. Regular reviews allow administrators to catch these warnings promptly, preventing them from evolving into major issues.

3. Performance Bottleneck Insights: The logs offer a backstage pass to the performance of the database. By examining them regularly, administrators gain insights into potential bottlenecks, helping fine-tune the system for optimal responsiveness.

Establishing a Routine:
1. Scheduled Checks: Make it a routine to schedule regular checks of PostgreSQL logs. This proactive approach ensures that any emerging issues are promptly detected and addressed.

2. Learning from Patterns: Regular reviews enable administrators to discern patterns in errors or warnings. Understanding these patterns provides a holistic view, aiding in the formulation of preventive strategies.

3. Root Cause Analysis: In the event of an issue, logs serve as a trail of breadcrumbs. Regularly examining them facilitates effective root cause analysis, empowering administrators to tackle issues at their source.

8. Continuous Monitoring with External Tools

Revolutionizing PostgreSQL Monitoring: A Case Study on ELK Stack Integration
In the dynamic world of data infrastructure, a client found themselves navigating a critical PostgreSQL environment, grappling with the complexities of performance monitoring. The absence of a streamlined approach to monitoring posed a significant challenge, leaving them susceptible to undetected issues that could potentially disrupt their essential operations. Enter the ELK Stack—Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana—a transformative solution that not only addressed their monitoring woes but reshaped the way they approached database performance.

The Challenges: A Fragmented Monitoring Landscape
The client’s PostgreSQL environment, critical to their daily operations, lacked a cohesive monitoring system. This led to a lack of real-time insights into performance metrics, leaving them in the dark about potential bottlenecks. Proactive issue identification was another hurdle, as the absence of an alert system put them at risk of unforeseen disruptions.

The ELK Stack Integration: A Game-Changing Move
The solution came in the form of the ELK Stack—a powerful combination of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. This integration promised to not only centralize and simplify monitoring but also usher in a new era of proactive issue detection.

How the ELK Stack Transformed Monitoring:
a. Elasticsearch for Data Storage:
Elasticsearch was deployed to efficiently store and index PostgreSQL performance metrics and logs. This laid the groundwork for quick and scalable data retrieval.
b. Logstash for Data Parsing:
Logstash entered the scene, tasked with the collection, parsing, and enrichment of PostgreSQL logs and metrics. This ensured a standardized format for seamless analysis.
c. Kibana for Visualization:
The final piece of the puzzle was Kibana—a visual powerhouse that provided an intuitive interface for creating customized dashboards showcasing key performance indicators.

Configuring Dashboards for Actionable Insights:

a. pg_stat_statements Dashboard:
Uncover the Top 5 IO-Intensive Queries.
Identify the Top 5 Time-Consuming Queries.
Dive into the Top 5 Memory-Usage Queries.
Pinpoint the Top 5 Queries by Temporary Space Usage.

b. pg_stat_activity Dashboard:
Keep an eye on Processes with Long Transactions.
Monitor Active Queries in real-time.
Identify Idle Sessions affecting performance.
Drill down into Specific PID Details for comprehensive troubleshooting.
pg_stat_user_indexes Dashboard:

c. Gain an Overview of Index Usage.
Detect and Address Unused Indexes proactively.
pg_locks Dashboard:

d. Stay informed with a Current Locks Overview.
Get Details of Blocking Processes hindering performance.
pgstattuple Dashboard:
Analyze Physical Length and Dead Tuple Percentage for optimal database health.

e. Proactive Alert Setup:
The ELK Stack didn’t stop at visualization—it introduced a proactive alert setup. Alerts were strategically established based on predefined thresholds for critical metrics. This proactive approach ensured that anomalies were flagged, and notifications were triggered to prompt swift action.

f. PostgreSQL Logs Dashboard:
Visual representation of error frequency and warning trends.
Efficient root cause analysis through log pattern recognition.
Outcomes: A Transformed PostgreSQL Environment

g. Real-time Monitoring:
The ELK Stack provided a unified, real-time view of PostgreSQL performance metrics and logs, ending the fragmented monitoring saga.

h. Proactive Issue Resolution:
Proactive alerts and daily dashboard checks empowered the client to identify and resolve potential bottlenecks before they impacted critical operations.

i. Streamlined Troubleshooting:
The ability to troubleshoot efficiently was enhanced with centralized dashboards, enabling quick identification of the source of issues.

j. Optimized Database Performance:
Regular monitoring and proactive measures resulted in an optimized PostgreSQL environment, ensuring a responsive and reliable database system for critical business operations.

In conclusion, the integration of the ELK Stack emerged as a transformative solution, breathing new life into the client’s PostgreSQL monitoring strategy. What was once a landscape of challenges is now a realm of proactive insights and optimized performance—a testament to the power of thoughtful technology integration.


Effectively monitoring the performance of a PostgreSQL database is an ongoing process that requires a combination of internal views, external tools, and proactive alerting. By regularly analyzing query performance, tracking connections and transactions, monitoring index usage, addressing locking issues, and employing continuous monitoring tools, administrators and developers can ensure that their PostgreSQL databases operate optimally and meet the demands of evolving applications. Regular review and adjustment of monitoring strategies contribute to a responsive and efficient database environment, enhancing the overall user experience.

Elevate your PostgreSQL performance with Ashnik’s expert services. For tailored solutions and comprehensive support, reach out to Explore our offerings on the website for a responsive and optimized database environment.

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