Container Platform and Security

MongoDB Named A Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Database-As-A-Service Q2 2019

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| Jun 18, 2019


MongoDB has been recognized as a Leader in the Database-as-a-Service market by research firm Forrester in its Forrester Wave™: Database-as-a-Service, Q2 2019 report. We believe our cloud strategy is validated by this recognition. While others have brought multiple databases to the cloud, we’ve focused on delivering a great, automated, unified and cloud-enriched experience with MongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas is the only Database-as-a-Service available on all three major cloud platforms (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure), giving customers the cloud portability and choice they demand.

The Report

Forrester evaluated 12 Database-as-a-Service vendors against 27 criteria. They looked at the current offerings with ratings for deployment options, high availability, disaster recovery, workloads, use cases, app development, multimodel support, data ingestion/loading, performance features, performance reference, scalability features, scalability reference, provisioning, automation, administration, upgrades/patches, data protection, auditing, and user access. Strategy and market presence were also rated.
The report records how MongoDB has done “extremely well, gaining strong traction across various mid-sized and large enterprises” with Atlas since its 2016 launch. Customers surveyed by Forrester reported that they “like its ease of use, performance, scale, and good tools to support various business applications.”
You can read the report yourself with a free copy available on the MongoDB website.
We would like to thank the MongoDB Atlas customers who took part in the research. More than ever, services have to be experienced over time to be rated accurately and our customers experience MongoDB Atlas every day. We look forward to making that experience even better in the future.
We appreciate the work that Forrester has put into creating, refining, and evaluating the capabilities and user experiences of the Database-as-a-Service marketplace. They have crafted a report which balances multi-database on single-cloud vendors and single database, cross-cloud vendors and rates them fairly.

Powering Apps with Documents, Everywhere

MongoDB users already know that documents are the best way to work with data and that MongoDB is the best way to work with documents. With MongoDB Atlas, you get to use that power anywhere by moving your database to a fully managed cloud service. We are not just on one vendor’s cloud platform either. MongoDB Atlas is available on the three leading cloud infrastructure providers with over sixty regions making up our worldwide presence. It’s all controlled from one web interface, which unifies your deployments.
That web interface goes further than just being about simple administration. The Global Clusters option in MongoDB Atlas is a great example of how Atlas’s automation makes traditionally complex operations like planning and deploying clusters to every required region and making clients’ query traffic automatically route to the nearest cluster as simple as using an interactive map on the web. With the new Distributed Transactions for MongoDB, currently in beta, ACID-compliant updates on clusters can now span the world.
All of that automation is complemented by a rich API, a range of backup options, extensive extra tools such as MongoDB Charts visualization, MongoDB Stitch backend services, BI Connector for SQL tool integration, and more to come. Again, all of those services are easily deployable through the UI with MongoDB Atlas and simple to optimize for customer workloads.

We’re Never Done

Being rated a leader in the Database-as-a-Service market is just the start for MongoDB. With our focus on documents for rapid application development and the cloud as the optimal route to deliver those applications to users, our strategy is to raise the bar for the DBaaS experience for all. If you want to experience MongoDB Atlas, you can sign up today for a free M0 tier instance and see why we’re among the leaders.

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