PostgreSQL Digital Transformation

Postgres is digitally transforming the Power and Energy Sector in Philippines

Written by Rekha Ramaswamy

| Jun 18, 2019


Ashnik recently participated in the Power and Electricity Show Philippines 2019, held in Manila on 20th and 21st May 2019. It was Ashnik’s first participation at this event in collaboration with EnterpriseDB and Exist Software Labs, our strategic partner in the Philippines.
The event was one of the largest of its kind, catering to the energy sector, hosting over 200+ exhibitors and 180+ speakers from the APAC region.
In this event, we highlighted how Postgres is powering digital transformation through a number of IT projects within the power and energy sector in the Philippines.
During the 2-day event, we had a diverse set of visitors and fellow sponsors walk up to our booth. We had very deep and insightful discussions with them on how Postgres is playing pivotal role in digitally transforming the IT landscape of the energy sector.
These success stories were made possible because technology has had a deep impact on the energy sector world over and has given rise to trends like:

  • Internet of Energy
  • Open data
  • Application of AI for predictive maintenance
  • Newer and demanding customers
  • Emergence of newer business models
  • Flexible regulatory initiatives

Each trend clearly points to the massive disruption that the energy sector is going through at the moment. A recent research by Accenture shows that energy sector in the present is facing a very high level of disruption and is also very vulnerable to future disruptions. Some of the key disruptors in the energy sector include:

  • Decarbonisation
  • Digitalization – smart metering
  • Decentralization
  • Electric Mobility

One of the highlights of our participation at the event was our talk on “Postgres Powers Digital Transformation in Southeast Asia – Success Stories”, that I presented along with Jenish Vyas, Pre-Sales, SEA and HK at EnterpriseDB. In this session, we talked about compelling business cases and customer success stories from the energy sector of Philippines. We highlighted the value of the open source-based EDB Postgres platform in helping enterprises confidently deliver on the promise of digital business. We pointed to locally developed case studies including :

  • Central registration and settlement systems (CRSS), designed and developed by Exist for WESM, the pivotal agency responsible for trading of electricity throughout Philippines.
  • Phil Renewable Energy Market System (PREMS), designed and developed by Exist for Department of Energy as part of the increasing focus of Philippines government on renewable energy.
  • Billing and settlement application, designed and developed by Exist for one of the power generators in Philippines region.

In all the above cases, EDB Postgres is being used as database of choice.  Its rock solid nature is supporting mission critical applications and offers a balanced mix between cost and features that makes it the most complete open source-based enterprise data platform.
Our experience at the Power and Energy show was as exciting as it can get and words will not do full justice to it. We are certainly stepping foot in there again next year. Until then, if you are looking for digital transformation solutions, please reach out to us.

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