How to monitor Container, Kubernetes, and OpenShift environment using Elastic Stack

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Enterprise IT landscapes have become complex with hybrid platforms for everything – Physical servers, VMs, containers, Kubernetes on one hand, monolith, and micro-services application architecture on the other hand. To ensure the smooth functioning of such a complex environment requires more than just monitoring tools. These platforms generate huge amounts of data in the form of logs, metrics, traces, etc. Capturing them on a realtime basis and getting insight is a daunting task. Elastic Stack is a very powerful technology that helps to build versatile observability platform.

Learn how you can effectively build an ‘observability’ platform using the Elastic Stack.

Webinar Covers:

How Elastic Stack explores and analyzes data using the power of search and gives real-time insights.

Demo: Setting up a platform to capture logs and monitor various parameters for: Containers | Kubernetes | Open Shift | Apps | Security

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