Container Platform and Security

What happened to MongoDB 2.8 and what is coming up?

Written by Ashnik Team

| Jul 06, 2015


Not quite recently MongoDB 3.0 was released! This release has come after v2.6 and is said to be one of the milestone releases with a lot of great set of changes going into it. Yes, you read it right! Since 2.6. Well like everyone, even our team was so excite about MongoDB 2.8. But then it just disappeared from everywhere! All of a sudden everyone was talking about MongoDB 3.0. We were also surprised and were wondering what happened to MongoDB 2.8? What happened to all the features promised at the MongoDB world last year? The document level locking, the storage engines, Automation for DevOps? In fact there were few release candidates also for MongoDB 2.8.

Well, pretty soon we realised that “consciously” the release was renamed to MongoDB 3.0 . And all the features which were promised under 2.8, had made it to MongoDB 3.0. And it was in fact because of these features that the release was renamed to 3.0. In MongoDB release cycle nomenclature the leftmost number   is a designator of phase change. MongoDB had come a long way, from 0.x – being a science project – to 2.x being a enterprise accepted product. That way the new release was, rightly, a “step-function release” and hence it made more sense to rename it to v3.0.

MongoDB 3.0 GA was announced in March 2015. The Document Level Locking in v3.0 gives a new boost to concurrency and performance for read and write operations. The MongoDB Ops Manager has made the live of Operations and Dev teams so easy. If you would like to know more about it please checkout this Webinar on Ops Manager. The WiredTiger storage engine, acquired by MongoDB is also part of the MongoDB 3.0 release.

Recently at MongoDB world we got a peek at what’s coming up and it sounds even more exciting.

• MongoDB is getting more reliable with Document Validation, which would allow you do data-type check and impose check and nullability constraints
• Not is distant future, MongoDB might become your first choice for BI as it is coming up with support and connector for many BI Tools and soon it will have Dynamic Lookup feature, something inline with the JOIN features of Relational world (though not the exactly the same thing).
• While Ops Manager is loved by Operations guys, MongoDB team is planning mongoScout which would be totally loved by developers and guys who work on data modelling and data visualisation.

I can go on and on about new promising features which you should lookout for in upcoming releases. Stay tuned and we will be sharing more insights into the upcoming features and how it impacts you. Meanwhile if you are interested and would like to discuss more about how you can leverage the benefits of MongoDB, please drop us a note on

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