API and Microservices

A budding marketer in the wonderland of open source

Written by Ashnik Team

| Aug 14, 2015


My life has always been around music, arts, social life, travelling and little bit technology. It may sound like a cliché, it’s probably my truth. I was not aware of this advancement in technology until I joined Ashnik. I come from a marketing background with less than two years of experience. For people like me, the approach towards work is what really matters. The technologies, products and services which I am marketing day to day are changing at an accelerating rate. Developing a set of marketable skills, and then shutting your brain down when it comes to technology. This is what generally happens to me and perhaps to all the people like me who are new to this open source and big data world.
Why the marketplace is changing and why we need to adapt new trends? How online marketing is tied to faster growth and higher profits? The most important marketing tools that real-world firms are using today is through open source. Here for the first time I came to know, we are doing things of great benefits, something what many people refuse to do or are not aware of. We are into open source technology and we contribute and bring transparency to data and information. I learned that at present there is a great move in technologies which are value based.
So I had to learn what is this open source technology? Why is it creating such revolution in today’s business world? Wikipedia defines open source as a development model promotes a universal access via a free license to a product’s design or blueprint, and universal redistribution of that design or blueprint, including subsequent improvements to it by anyone.We would have never thought, it would revolutionize the business management in the world like never before. This revolution has changed the way people look now to perform businesses.Now everything we see around is an open world. Nothing is hidden. It would not be wrong to say that open source has helped many enterprises to exist today without breaking any assize.
Today is the world which gives ease to us for shopping like crazy through e-commerce stores or many business as such. Many start-ups, have chosen open source as a strategy and it is quite amazing to see how successful they’ve been. It’s completely changed the way we think about our vision or we say now open source is the form of vision itself. This has let me to spend more time with other people, looking more thoughtfully at the groups and trends that surround them. Our thresholds are expanding. It’s time to explore them.
Open sourced software is no longer restricted to small, low-level problems for companies that can’t afford to built it themselves. Today it is supported by a good open source community that creates and adopts it on behalf of some of the world’s biggest technology companies.
It’s widely accepted specially in the world of information and technology, by Governments, global corporations and SMEs. Providing transparency, always creates greater good. My hope is that everyone, from different backgrounds and interests will take this technology and build on it, creating new applications, tools that we cannot even imagine today. It’s the time to think again if you haven’t adopted open source. Good times are ahead. There is going to be a different era.
Thank you open world.

– Anupma Pandey I Executive- Social Media & Marketing, Ashnik

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