Open Source Business

Integrating Elastic Observability with OpenTelemetry: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jul 17, 2024 | Ashnik Team | 4 min read

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, ensuring your systems run smoothly and efficiently is more critical than ever. Observability has become the cornerstone of mai...

Unlocking the Power of Elastic 8.14: Enhancing Search Capabilities and Transforming Your Data Strategy

Jun 18, 2024 | Ashnik Team | 5 min read

1. Introduction In today's data-driven world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain faster insights and improve their data strategies. Elastic 8.14 is here ...

Getting FinOps Insight Using ML on AWS CUR Report

Jun 18, 2024 | Mansi Bora | 3 min read

Introduction A prominent financial institution faced significant fluctuations in AWS service costs, challenging their budgeting and resource allocation efforts. To en...

Unlocking Peak Performance: The Power of Elastic Search in Enhancing Bank Customer Satisfaction

May 23, 2024 | Ashnik Team | 3 min read

Introduction In today's competitive banking landscape, delivering a seamless customer experience isn't just a goal—it's a necessity. When a leading private sector ban...

Managing Rapid growth in digital transactions and comply with regulations: Need for strengthening bank’s digital infrastructure

May 22, 2024 | Sachin Dabir | 3 min read

Surging Digital Transactions: Powering India's Growing Economy India is witnessing explosive growth in digital transactions in general. UPI is just one example. Over ...

Are enterprises truly ready for AI? Assessing the roadblocks and realizing the promise

Apr 24, 2024 | Sachin Dabir | 3 min read

The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become undeniable in the world of business. It's no longer a question of if AI will transform industries, but a matte...

Rethinking AI Development: A Call for Open Sourcing in the Wake of Security and Ethical Debates

Mar 20, 2024 | Sachin Dabir | 3 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a spirited debate has emerged regarding the trajectory of its development - specifically, whether AI...

Revolutionize Web Serving: NGINX Best Practices for Blazing Fast Static Content

Feb 21, 2024 | Ashnik Team | 3 min read

In our pursuit of excellence within the web services domain, understanding the intricacies of delivering static content with efficiency and precision is paramount. The...

Navigating the BFSI Landscape: My Lessons Learned

Feb 21, 2024 | Sahil Alva | 2 min read

Let's be honest, the world of BFSI sales is a battlefield. Everyone's armed with fancy solutions, jargon-filled pitch decks, and promises of boosting your bottom line....

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