Digital Transformation

The Awesome Force-some!

Written by Deepti Dilip Jobanputra

| Apr 16, 2014


We have all been hearing of ‘The Nexus of Forces’ for some time now. And why it’s touted to become the technology platform of tomorrow. However, if you don’t already know what it means or how it’s going to help your business or enterprise, you might want to read this up.
The Nexus of Forces is a concept developed by Gartner Inc., describing the convergence and mutual strengthening of the four powerful and interdependent trends: Social Media, Mobility, Cloud and Data – a combination expected to transform businesses by reinventing and helping newer industries to emerge. The consumerization of IT, the omnipresence of connected smart devices and people’s continuous e-actions have brought about a convergence of these forces.
So just how do these trends go hand in hand – Information is the single factor that drives social media and mobile experiences > Mobile devices serve as a platform to provide opportunities for social networking > While the social media delivers users to business in newer ways > And boom, Cloud enables that delivery of that information and functionality to users and systems.
And that’s how effortlessly these 4 strong emerging trends create a ‘prism’ scenario emanating solid grounds for business growth. By building upon and transforming user behaviour, it goes onto to create an ecosystem of modern-day computing.
The nexus of forces is innovative and disruptive – together they transform businesses and societies while disrupting the outdated business models to make way for innovative directions and leaders. It definitely tenders more opportunities than threats to the way an organization does business. Since it teaches organizations to face the challenges of modernizing their systems, skills and mind-sets. Whilst pushing todays CIOs and IT leaders to make vital changes in reshaping their roles, engaging employees in newer ways and embracing the vendors who will help them on their nexus journey.
“Adoption trends of new technologies frequently take many years before reaching maturity, stability and broad market usage. The nexus should be seen as a development and design philosophy rather than as a packaged product.” says Tom Eid, Research Vice President at Gartner. “By 2017, the Nexus of Forces-based IT purchases will account for over 26% of the total enterprise software market revenue”, he adds.
And here closer home, one of our customers, MAMPU (Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit), with whom we are doing an event in Malaysia in April end, has shared an interesting take on the convergence of nexus of forces and its implications for Governments. Granting that each business is likely to employ these trends to different degrees based on what fits, working and building on each trend will also be a critical step. Thanks to which, businesses will be empowered to spring ahead of their competition in performance and stay right ahead for the longest count.

– Deepti Dilip I Marketing & Communications Head, Ashnik

If you have anything exciting to share or talk about on The Nexus of Forces, feel free to add a comment below.
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