Data Pipeline and Analytics

What’s new at Ashnik : Sept 2012

Written by Ashnik Team

| Sep 20, 2012


In September 2012, Ashnik completed 3 years of its journey and relationship with its customers and partners. From the entrepreneurship point of view first 3 years are very critical where mortality rate is very high. We are glad that we are alive and thriving.
What has kept us going?
Most importantly, it is our customers and relationships with partners that ensured economic survival. Along with that, our strong desire to bring great open source and cloud based solutions to help our customers address the business challenges through IT solutions kept our spirits high. We strengthened our ties further with EnterpriseDB with deeper connections with EDB’s technical teams so that we provider better services to our customers.
What new you can expect:
Apart from the changes in the website design, you would notice the focus on cloud solution and enterprise grade open source solutions. We are experiencing impact of cloud technologies in consumer and enterprise IT and we expect it to be a major force to bring about IT transformation. Though the adoption level varies from customer to customers, we are building the internal capabilities on providing cloud implementation and integration of cloud technologies to serve you better.
Our core focus on EnterpriseDB’s PostgreSQL solution continues and deepens with Database-as-a-service platform. We continue to build eco system around PostgreSQL database to enhance confidence level of enterprises.
We only ask for your further support and encouragement to help us serve you better.

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