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2023 in Review: Highlighting the Impactful Open-Source Initiatives

Written by Sachin Dabir

| Dec 21, 2023


Open source has transcended its humble beginnings as a fringe movement of tech enthusiasts to become a driving force of innovation in 2023. From corporate giants to individual developers, the open-source community has witnessed a surge in participation and a remarkable range of impactful initiatives. This blog post delves into some of the most significant open-source developments of the year, highlighting their far-reaching influence across various sectors.

1. Increased Corporate Involvement: Open Source Goes Mainstream

Gone are the days when open source was viewed with skepticism by established corporations. Today, leading companies like J.P. Morgan, Netflix, and major banks are actively contributing to and leveraging open-source projects. Speaking of financial giants embracing open source, 2023 saw the likes of JPMorgan Chase and Citibank make notable contributions. JPMorgan Chase actively maintains several open-source projects on GitHub, including a modular front-end framework, payments-focused JPMC Payments, and accessibility-driven React UI components salt-ds. Their commitment extends beyond internal tooling, with projects like jif-dashboard offering developers a framework for building widget-based dashboards and abides-jpmc-public providing a Jupyter Notebook project for broader use.

Meanwhile, Citibank focused on bolstering software supply chain security with its Continuous Secure Software Ingestion project. This open-source initiative automates continuous security checks on software and libraries, currently managing a staggering three million external packages. The project, currently in alpha and developed in partnership with ControlPlane, demonstrates Citibank’s dedication to enhancing security across the software ecosystem.

2. Open Source AI and Machine Learning: Powering the Future

The open-source spirit fuels not only tools and frameworks but also cutting-edge advancements in AI and machine learning. Take the rise of large-language models (LLMs) as an example. Several impressive LLMs are now fully open-source, democratizing access for researchers, developers, and enthusiasts alike.

EleutherAI’s GPT-Neo and GPT-NeoX stand out as attempts to replicate and expand upon the capabilities of GPT-3 using open-source methods. Similarly, their GPT-J model boasts impressive performance for its 6 billion parameter size, showcasing the potential of open-source AI.

Beyond EleutherAI, giants like Google and Facebook AI contribute significantly to the open-source LLM landscape. Google’s BERT and T5 models offer versatility and effectiveness for various NLP tasks, while Facebook AI’s RoBERTa optimizes BERT’s performance. Additionally, XLNet, co-developed by Google and Carnegie Mellon University, pushes the boundaries of NLP abilities through its unique permutation-based training approach.

Open-source LLM development doesn’t stop there. Even smaller models like OpenAI’s GPT-2 and toolkits like Facebook AI’s Fairseq empower experimentation and custom model creation. And for engaging in conversation, let’s not forget Facebook AI’s BlenderBot, an open-source chatbot that excels in natural language interaction.

These are just a few examples of the incredible advancements happening in the realm of open-source AI and machine learning. With these powerful tools readily available, the future of AI looks bright and accessible to all.

3. Community Expansion and Diversity: Building an Inclusive Future

The open-source community has long prided itself on its collaborative spirit, but 2023 saw a renewed focus on inclusivity and diversity. Initiatives like Outreachy, which provides paid internships for underrepresented groups in open source, and Google Summer of Code, which introduces students to open-source development, are paving the way for a more diverse and vibrant community. These efforts are not just about optics; they’re essential for ensuring that the open-source ecosystem benefits from the talents and perspectives of everyone, not just a select few.

The positive outcomes of these diversity initiatives are already being felt. GitHub’s State of the Octoverse report highlights a 26% increase in new developers, emphasizing the expanding global reach and inclusivity of the open-source ecosystem. Also, according to the 2023 Women in Open Source Report, the percentage of women contributing to open-source projects has increased from 7% in 2017 to 14% in 2023. This upward trend is a testament to the community’s commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

4. Sustainability Focus: Open Source Goes Green

The open-source community is increasingly cognizant of its environmental impact. Projects like the Green Software Foundation and the Sustainable Software Initiative are working to reduce the carbon footprint of software development and promote eco-friendly practices. For example, the Green Software Foundation’s GreenAPI initiative encourages developers to build energy-efficient APIs, while the Sustainable Software Initiative provides tools and resources for measuring and reducing the environmental impact of software projects.

These efforts are not merely symbolic; they have the potential to make a real difference. According to a study by the Shift Foundation, the global ICT sector is responsible for 2% of global CO2 emissions. By adopting sustainable practices, the open-source community can play a significant role in reducing this footprint and mitigating the effects of climate change.

5. Emergence of Open-source Office Programs: Challenging the Status Quo

In 2023, Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) emerged as a cornerstone of software development across industries. Leading the charge were tech giants like Google and Amazon, embracing OSPOs to encourage employee contributions and align open source with security strategies. But the trend extended far beyond Silicon Valley. Mercedes-Benz established its “FOSS Center of Competence,” showcasing open source’s infiltration into traditional sectors. Even the World Health Organization, with its “Open Source Programme Office,” demonstrated the global reach of this movement.

Harish Pillay, a renowned OSPO expert, underscored in a recent interview that open source program offices are not a fleeting trend but a strategic imperative for all organizations. This viewpoint was echoed throughout the session, especially as Harish and Sachin Dabir illuminated OSPOs’ significant rise in 2023.

OSPOs emerge as crucial for harnessing open source’s full potential, offering solutions to challenges like license navigation, employee education, and balancing security with agility. They are pivotal for organizations aiming to leverage open source effectively and sustainably.

6. Open-source License Changes and Developments: Navigating the Legal Landscape

The world of open-source licensing is constantly evolving, and 2023 saw its share of notable developments. One of the most significant cases was HashiCorp’s decision to change the license of its Terraform infrastructure-as-code tool from the Mozilla Public License (MPL) to the Apache License 2.0. This decision sparked debate within the open-source community, with some arguing that it was a step backward for open source. In contrast, others defended it as a necessary move to protect HashiCorp’s business interests.

The Terraform case highlights the complex challenges involved in open-source licensing. Developers need to balance the need for freedom and collaboration with the need to protect their intellectual property. There is no single “right” answer, and the best approach will vary depending on the specific circumstances.

Other notable licensing developments in 2023 include:

  • The release of the Open Source Initiative’s (OSI) new definition of open-source software clarifies the criteria for what constitutes an open-source license.
  • The growing popularity of “copyleft” licenses, which require derivative works to be released under the same license as the original work,
  • The increasing use of “dual licensing,” which allows software to be released under both an open-source license and a commercial license,

These developments highlight the dynamic nature of the open-source landscape and the need for developers to stay informed about the latest changes.

Conclusion: Open Source in 2023 and Beyond

2023 has been a landmark year for open source. From the increasing involvement of corporations to the rise of open-source office programs, the open-source community has made significant strides in terms of both adoption and innovation.

Looking ahead, the future of open source is bright. The community is poised to play an even more critical role in shaping the future of technology, with initiatives like open-source AI and machine learning having the potential to revolutionize industries and improve lives.

As the open-source landscape blooms, Ashnik stands as your trusted partner, fostering innovation and growth. We navigate the ever-evolving terrain, from guiding strategic technology choices to implementing and supporting your open-source solutions, enabling you to reap the full benefits of agility, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Embrace the open-source future with Ashnik and unlock a world of possibilities for your business.

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