Container Platform and Security

3 IT Trends Today That Will Change Our Tomorrow

Written by Deepti Dilip Jobanputra

| Feb 13, 2014


Digital, Big Data, Cloud – Talk of the future of IT or the big technology trends, and these undeniably sit at the top of the list. To enable organisations in either planning towards their ongoing strategies or revolutionizing themselves to out-innovate their competitors.
For the generation that has literally grown up on the 2-minute noodle mantra, everything is about being agile, fast and constantly evolving. Clearly, enterprises won’t lag behind either. Having used digital media quite singularly all these years, it’s now turning into one of their prime channels of communication. Which puts ‘speed and click-of-a-button availability’ bang on the radar. The web space has and will rise to dominate every business’ growth plan – whether it’s accessing heaps of information to enhance their products or services, connect with consumers, train the next generation leaders or reach out to influencers. Talk of speed and favorites in the web space, and rapidly rising open source web servers like Nginx – tops our minds. With over 40 million web domains, it has helped its clients speed past its competitors. Even web heavyweights like Facebook, Hulu and WordPress rely on it. Likewise, if seizing speed is your next digital goal, your enterprise has the choicest options to pick.
Big Data
As a favorite buzzword of 2013, most companies used the term ‘Big Data’ unfittingly or in the wrong context. But 2014 will change all of that. Not just the outlook but also the possibilities of innovation with Big Data. The increasing attention it received, with the likes of Google, IBM, Facebook and Twitter acquiring companies in the big data space, it is gaining momentum as an enterprise initiative. So what is Big Data? Big Data is beyond just a large collection of data and its storage management challenge; it is an opportunity to find business-critical insights. Maximising data about your customers, trends, products and services and putting it into a strategic perspective, will help build an incredible scope for business excellence – one that could radically transform your business model of ‘delivering increased revenues and lowering costs’. Fold in efficient tools et al MongoDB, Hadoop with scoring analytical skills and minds, and enterprises can see themselves being the big winners of this information economy. Like they say, Information is power.
From the many technology trends, cloud computing is one of the more rocketing ones. If you ask me, there are growing reasons why you should adopt cloud – it’s not just any more about cost reduction, but about business agility, vendor choice, and access to next-generation architectures. Precisely why, the cloud no longer remains an option for businesses, it’s a given. And surveys show that beyond 50 % of most information technology will be in the cloud within the next 5 – 10 years. Asia Pacific is likely to be a leader in growth – the region is projected to generate 1.5 zettabytes of cloud traffic annually by 2016: the highest in the world. And ridding its security concerns, the Singapore government “launched a new cloud security standard to provide greater clarity on levels of security offered by cloud service providers,” to quote Steve Leonard, Executive Deputy Chairman, IDA Singapore. Cloud is clearly here to stay afloat and rise!

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