ELK Cluster on Amazon EKS

Building a Robust ELK Cluster on Amazon EKS, Challenges and Solutions

Written by Ramanna Hanamanthrao

| Feb 20, 2024


As businesses increasingly leverage container orchestration for scalable and resilient applications, the need for effective log management, observability, and monitoring becomes paramount. Setting up an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) cluster on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) offers a powerful solution for observability, log aggregation, analysis, and visualization in a containerized environment. In this article, we’ll explore the process of configuring an ELK cluster on Amazon EKS and the challenges encountered along the way.

Introduction to ELK on EKS

Amazon EKS simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. ELK( Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana ), on the other hand, is a popular open-source stack used for observability, log analytics and visualization. Combining the two allows for centralized logging and monitoring in a scalable and cloud-native manner.

1. Setting Up Amazon EKS

Challenges: Cluster Configuration in setting up an EKS cluster involves defining the cluster, configuring worker nodes, and integrating with Amazon VPC. The Kubernetes configuration, networking, and security settings need careful consideration.

Solution: Follow AWS documentation to create an EKS cluster. Utilize AWS CLI or management console, ensuring VPC and security groups align with your requirements. Remember to configure worker nodes with the necessary IAM roles and permissions.

2. Deploying Elasticsearch

Challenges: Data Persistence Elasticsearch requires persistent storage for data. Kubernetes StatefulSets are often used for maintaining stable network identities and storage. Ensuring smooth integration among Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, especially when dealing with dynamic IP addresses and network identities, presents certain difficulties

Solution: Leverage Kubernetes StatefulSets for Elasticsearch nodes. Configure persistent volumes to ensure data durability. Utilize AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) for dynamic provisioning and attachment of volumes. Use Kubernetes Services for creating stable network identities for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana pods. Implement proper service discovery mechanisms to enable smooth communication between these components. Leverage environment variables for configuration sharing.

3. Implementing Logstash

Challenges: Log Collection and Parsing Logstash is responsible for collecting, parsing, and transforming logs before sending them to Elasticsearch. Configuring Logstash pipelines to handle various log formats can be complex. Achieving scalability in Logstash within a containerized environment necessitates meticulous resource allocation and coordination.

Solution: Develop Logstash configurations tailored to your application’s log formats. Use grok patterns or custom filters to parse logs effectively. Modularize configurations for better maintainability. Leverage Kubernetes Deployment resources for Logstash pods. Implement Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to dynamically adjust the number of Logstash replicas based on resource utilization. Fine-tune resource requests and limits for optimal performance.

4. Visualizing Data with Kibana

Challenge: Ensuring the secure exposure of Kibana and enabling user authentication are vital tasks. However, configuring an ingress controller and establishing authentication mechanisms can pose difficulties. Additionally, effectively managing resources for Kibana pods and implementing scaling mechanisms for different workloads may present further complexities.

Solution: Use Kubernetes Ingress resources to expose Kibana securely. Implement SSL termination and configure authentication, either using built-in mechanisms or external providers like OIDC (OpenID Connect) good for security. Utilize Kubernetes Deployments for managing Kibana pods. Implement Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to dynamically adjust the number of Kibana replicas based on resource utilization. Fine-tune resource requests and limits to optimize performance.

5. Scaling and High Availability

Challenge: Achieving consistent performance under demanding conditions necessitates thoughtful planning regarding resource allocation, distribution of pods, and mechanisms for recovering from failures.

Solution: Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) to dynamically adjust the number of replicas based on resource utilization. Distribute pods across availability zones to enhance fault tolerance. Implement readiness and liveness probes for automatic recovery.

6. Monitoring and Alerting

Challenge: Ensuring the health of the system requires closely monitoring the ELK stack and establishing reliable alerting systems to promptly address any potential issues.

Solution: Implement monitoring using elastic-agent for comprehensive observability. Configure alerts based on metrics such as Elasticsearch node health, resource utilization, and cluster status.


Setting up an ELK cluster on Amazon EKS is a powerful approach for log management in containerized environments. While challenges may arise during the process, careful planning, adherence to best practices, and leveraging the capabilities of EKS can address these hurdles effectively. The result is a scalable, resilient, and easily maintainable ELK stack that provides invaluable insights into the health and performance of your applications.
It’s crucial to remain abreast of EKS and ELK updates, given the dynamic nature of the cloud and open-source landscapes. By overcoming challenges and embracing best practices, you’re poised to construct a robust ELK cluster on EKS for proficient log analysis and monitoring.
Ashnik stands ready as your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of setting up an ELK cluster on Amazon EKS. With our expertise in open-source technology solutions, including ELK stack implementation, we offer guidance and support to ensure a seamless deployment experience.
Reach out to our team today for personalized assistance and take the first step toward optimizing your log management strategy on EKS!

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