Database Platform

“I like you because you come from a Data background”

Written by Kaustubh Patwardhan

| Sep 15, 2014


“You know what, I like you because you come from a Data background. You are very strong in Data Strategy Consulting”. I was sitting with the Enterprise Architecture and Solutions Director, of one of the biggest logistics firm. He continued, “Everybody in our organisation thinks about solutions first and then data strategy comes as a by-product, without much thought behind it. However, that has created so many inefficiencies and silos in the data sources. We are sitting on piles of data today. There are all sorts of RDBMS, No-SQL databases, unstructured data sources. We are paying close to $50 Million just on maintaining these data systems. However, we are not really able to comprehend how we can make sense of this data at the moment. But this session with you has really shown us a way on how we can move ahead and become data centric, rather than solution centric. And that’s the key to me in this world of information and data.”
This is very typical of a problem many forward looking Technology Directors are facing at the moment. They are realising the transition has to come from being Solution centric to being Data centric, making Data as the core of their IT and Business Strategy, but very often they are not sure of what that means.
At Ashnik, we help organizations through this transition phase by developing Data Strategies and creating the baseline for ongoing and futuristic application projects so that data can be treated as a corporate asset. This requires us:

  • To engage with key stakeholders to understand business needs, current systems and processes. Also to understand perceptions of how data is being used
  • To educate, evangelize and deliver detailed requirements and specifications, working across functions and with vendors and third parties
  • To define enterprise vision and strategy for data as a corporate asset
  • To provide impartial view of various data technologies that would suit business needs
  • To advise on the principles and technologies behind ‘Big Data’
  • To consult with Enterprise Architects on data structures and plans to meet current and future business objectives and needs
  • To define, independently evaluate and select appropriate tools for various data management activities
  • To provide not only thought leadership but also program leadership over data projects

And the most important one:

  • To deliver what we preach and promise

– Kaustubh Patwardhan, Director I Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, Ashnik 

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